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A World In Between

A World In Between       2022         Acrylic and Ink on Marine Plywood        100 cm x 100cm 

‘A World in Between’ is a self portrait constructed entirely through calligraphy both in Farsi and English. The artwork comes to life through the poems, folk lore, family experiences of the revolution, war and immigration. Coming from a first generation Iranian Australian family I have had to navigate my way around cultural bias, marginalisation and recognising the importance of representing Iranian women within Western society. Showing the strength, bravery, resilience and power of women from the East, uncovering a representation that is often hidden when portraying Muslim and Middle Eastern women within a western context. This artwork explores the effects of cultural assimilation through the layering of language, emphasising the confusion felt when being caught in between two opposing worlds.

A World In Between
A World In Between
A World In Between
A World In Between
A World In Between
A World In Between

I acknowledge that I am a settler who lives and works on the unceded lands of the Whadjuk Noongar people. I pay my respects to their elders past, present and emerging. Always was and always will be Aboriginal land. 

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