Liquid Gold | 2021 | Acrylic, oil and pearl embellishment on Marine Plywood | 110 cm x 110cm
Born in 1998, Yasamin Khadembashi is an emerging artist living, studying and working on Whadjuk Noongar country. Her works utilise multidisciplinary modes of creating, focussing on painting, sculpting, collaging, instillation, textiles and tattooing. Growing up in Austrlia from Iranian immigrants, Yasamin understands the experiences facing first and second generation immigrants living the the diaspora. Her works draw upon the cultural discourses revolving around 9/11, Cronulla riots, the detention of asylum seekers on Manus Island, the 1979 Iranian revolution and the Women Life Freedom Revolution of 2022. Yasamin has graduated with her BFA and is currently completing her Honours in Fine Art at Curtin University. Her works examine the abuse of human, women and queer rights within Iran, magnifying the effects of the revolutions on women and queer liberties, autonomy and freedom, often exploring the isolation, vilification and ostracisation felt among these minorities. Her works have been included in a number of national exhibitions and competitions such as 'Home/Body' at Artsource (2022), the Mosman Art Award (2022), 'Safe Space' at ANUSA BIPOC (2022), Redland Art Award (2022) and the Calleen Art Award (2022). Yasamin has also recently completed an artists in residency at Lake Macquarie City Council (2024), where she facilitate an impasto paint piping masterclass at the Museum of Art and Culture, Yapang.
For Women Life Freedom and a Free Palestine.

Photography by Aaryn Bath
Current and upcoming projects:
Midland Junction Art Centre Artist in Residency
23 July - 22 September 2024
I acknowledge that I am a settler who lives and works on the unceded lands of the Whadjuk Noongar people. I pay my respects to their elders past, present and emerging. Always was and always will be Aboriginal land.